Heritage Science brings together stakeholders from various disciplines and institutions around common objects and research questions.
The progressive structuration of the Heritage Science community deepens the dialogue and the collaboration between stakeholders. It enables them to perform their respective tasks about the comprehension and the conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage.
Marking the end of the European programme “IPERION CH” through a series of events in the Palais du Louvre, the project participants and the JPI-CH wish to highlight concrete results of European Heritage Science collaboration as well their enabling framework. Under the label “Heritage Science Europe”, these four events will draw together different audiences around a shared interest.
Instruments at the service of Heritage Stakeholders
“Instruments at the service of Heritage Stakeholders” aims at presenting concrete scientific results of European collaborations in Heritage Science, at explaining their enabling framework, and at thinking about ways forwards.
IPERION CH Final Meeting
On 24 October, the members of the IPERION CH consortium will meet at the C2RMF to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their work and to work on the use of their results in the next European research programmes and in E-RIHS, the incoming perennial European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science.
Registration is mandatory. IPERION CH members can register here.
Leonardo da Vinci: the experience of art
On 25 October, “Leonardo da Vinci: the experience of art” will give the opportunity to several Heritage stakeholders to present their scientific results in the main auditorium of the Musée du Louvre.
The International Fair of Cultural Heritage
Finally, representatives of several institutions participating to European Heritage Science programmes and platforms will be present at the International Fair of Cultural Heritage to showcase their activities and to answer the questions of the visitors.